Residential Living


Time to make a fresh start with your lawn!

It’s true to say that the very best grass lawn doesn’t look perfect all year round.  They take love and passion to keep them at  their best.

Artificial turf on the other hand, will look great all year round.  It won’t be too long, it won’t have bare patches, and it won’t need mowing, edging,  fertilizing or constant watering. It gives you time to focus on other things.

Maintaining synthetic grass is simple.  With a spray of water and therecommended-artificial-grass occasional sweep your turf will look as good as new!

Our objective at Prestige Synthetic Turf is to give you an area that makes you feel good. We have had customers over whelmed at how great the finished job looks; and the difference that it makes to their outdoor setting.   We take great pride in seeing that satisfaction.

Because our primary focus is on installation we are able to source turf,  that suits our customers,  at commercial rates from different suppliers.  This enables us to be extremely competitive. We have the ability to supply and install turf at an attractive price for our customers.

You will be pleased at the many benefits synthetic turf brings to your space and lifestyle over time.  We can quickly transform your outdoor setting. Have an easy to keep area that makes you want to get out and enjoy the weather that this part of Australia brings.